So before society and fashion magazines educate us on our personal developed style, we are dolls that have no opinion and that will wear anything given. That’s until we are aware that there are other role models that might inspire us on our own sense of fashion and personal style. We become conscious of our own individuality since we live in society with parameters of style acceptance.
A funny anecdote that made me reflect about my clothes, happened on my first visit with my friends, to Las Vegas. We were lost as any tourist that was exited for being in one of the most talked about cities in the world. Wearing our best sexy clothes we decided to go partying, on our way out on that overwhelming city we ran into a ticket seller who recommended us to go to the Playboy Party at the Palms. Imagine out excitement when we decided that we were actually going when the ticket seller said “But you have to first get changed” we could not believe his words, we had been preparing and pampering ourselves for that whole afternoon, and to receive such a complement, our faces were ecstatic with a bully tone, “are you saying that we don’t look good for the occasion?” expecting for the ticket seller to change his mind. It was strange to realize that we were not dressed to the expected standard. We could say… well it WAS Las Vegas, and still it could have been just a matter of taste, of what the ticket seller would consider appropriate for the occasion.
Me and my big sis enjoying the waves... Funny how when we are young we can wear anything with the excuse that we look "cute".