lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011
viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011
viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011
Creation comes from within, inspiration from outside
The Great Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now
I wish I was the Moon - Neko Case
lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011
lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011
Naked Harry
Sometimes wearing nothing turns to be the most free, liberating, comfortable, and sexy attitude one can experience.
I love this episode, its about being comfortable in ones skin, and also being loved that same way. No masks, no covers, just 100% harry. How can someone refuse a kiss like that (min 2:33). Enjoy!
lunes, 18 de julio de 2011
Things I enjoy
This Post has been dedicated to the little things that we enjoy in our life and we might considered granted not giving them the place and the importance they deserve in our lifes. Things that just makes us happy.
"Life is not measured by the amount of breaths that we take, but of those moments that take our breath away"

Lay down on the grass
Read a good book on the beach
Sleeeep!!! god yes!
Sing while showering (most probably a glee song jeje)
Cook and eat muffins
Go to the movies
Feel the wind...while taking my hand out of a moving car
Eat chocolate (Toblerone to be more exact)
Hang out with my friends
domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011
What is it that makes us change? Evolve? Transition?
In my experience is the context always context…
Times are changing, people are changing, trends and buildings are changing, being recycled, and so are we as people. Our attitudes towards time as well as different episodes in our life makes us grow. But we need to change so that we don’t stay in time, and chose to progress. We need to be rupturistic (trend setter) to break with the routine, and with the already known stuff that we are so used to wear. We need something that takes our breath away, so that we feel unique and special again.
Change is inevitable... however, a couple of days ago watching the discovery channel, (something strange for me :P ) I got struck by the idea that there are tons of Amazonian tribes hidden in jungles that live under conditions that we used to live millions of years ago.. so why don’t they “evolve” (according to what we consider evolving in the technological, cultural, or globalized world) I am not saying that its wrong for them to keep their millennium culture intact. But it’s just an observation I made, considering that while they were building a house out of mud, in a parallel universe Thomas Edison was trying to create electrical light bulb, or while they were painting their bodies Louis Armstrong was walking on the moon (considering its actually a true fact) but then again, while they where dressing with animal fur, Coco Channel was inventing a new style, or Ford, creating the ford T line…these are tribes that happy in their cultural environment, live isolated and do not evolve in the same kind of way as global society does. Is it because of a resourceful reason, political, social, and geographical? Maybe they don’t know what’s beyond their tribe. Are we happier being ignorant? Or are we to scare to know what’s beyond our knowledge?
Another case that caught my mind was after I went and visit an Amish community. These are people that same as the Amazonia tribes live isolated, but they consciously isolate themselves from the global society due to beliefs that keep them happy in closed communities. So we need to change because our context pursues an evolution, or we just want to stay in a comfort zone. .. Where does evolution come from? In these cases I believe it’s a matter of choosing to change, choosing to be up to discovering what’s beyond out knowledge as an individual, as well as in a society. Is it good to evolve?
It’s a never ending debate, was the dolly sheep a positive evolution? Evolving does not always mean good, but it does give us a sense of progress and improvement. This debate comes not actually knowing in person how people in tribes live. I do have experience of Amish people but always as an outsider.. I haven’t spend more than a day in the community but I sure felt their culture of keeping themselves isolated from the world, made me realized whether I belong there, their tranquility, their peace.
So all in all, I believe we need to change, to progress, to evolve, and to learn from past mistakes. Why is history of much importance in school? Its not to fill in an hour of activity, but to make us conscious of our past, our present and have an idea of our future, so that we do not make same mistakes. Every situation is different, but still, change is inevitable, wisdom does not come with age, but that, depends according to the experiences, and our open minded view towards the world.
viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011
Trend Setters
There are two reasons that make me think why trends are born. On the one hand, due to spontaneous individual creativity of mixing a combination of designs, elements and arrange them in a way that breaks with the actual commercial image. On the other hand, there’s Fashion Week. A week dedicated to express renowned designers . It is in this period that a trend may filter itself into the commercial stores to be adaptive to the day to day use, and to the street clothes. Coz speaking truthfully, not everyone dares to expose the exaggerated design clothing into the street. And so trends from the cat walk turn into original trend setters in the endless search to be unique and individual, until everyones start to imitate it, and so a new trend needs to be born. Its called the circle of the fashion industry.
Who new that Navy boot would turn into such a hip street compliment?
domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011
The curious case of being unique
A few days ago I started thinking about uniqueness, how unique we all are, and the importance to embrace that uniqueness. I understand that fashion trends are made for people to follow, but I also understand that people should be faithful to themselves, their beliefs, their style, and their personal touch. That doesn’t mean that we cannot change, since one of the great things of fashion is that is always renewing, and reusing, or creating new trends and styles for consumers to identify.
Every time I take the train or the bus, I get to appreciate people’s personal fashion, noticing, that people that have a style outside the trend are the ones that call even more for attention. The reason I believe a trend reproduces itself is when we want what we don’t have, maybe we don’t feel attracted at the beginning, but once we seen somebody else wearing it we want it. So here comes the contradiction. We want something when we see it works for someone else but then again, we want to remain unique. The uniqueness is what makes us so special, we can be similar with someone else’s style but in the end we are unique and that is soo great. Even if we don’t like our hair, nose, hips, or our legs, we all have a different body type and we should know how to work it according to the clothes and fits we know it works for us, because unfortunately not every trend, clothes or design works for everybody.
I used to think I wanted to be in the fashion trend of the moment but then again… why? To be part of something bigger than me? To feel secure? What better challenge than to feel comfortable in my own skin and impose the trend. Taking the risk of sounding a bit too egocentric, I have seen a lot of people starting to use a lot of trends I thought I started, (well thanks to designers from another country I got to apply them to my own country) and it felt so great when people asked me where I had purchase these or those shoes, and that I was the only one using them. I realized then that even thou I’ve been questioned for my style in the past, there are people that do know how to appreciate it. We don’t need to change for anybody else as long as we feel comfortable with our own skin, and if people do not like it, it may not be our problem that we don’t fit their expectations on fashion, in fact, that’s the greatness of uniqueness, and people may like it was well as repel it. We don’t need to please anyone but ourselves.
The best part is that perfection does not exist!!! Imperfection is what makes us so perfect.Photos: By Picasso
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